Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Rise and Rise of Article PR: What are the Implications?

Article printed from SiteProNews: http://www.sitepronews.com
HTML version available at: http://www.sitepronews.com/archives.html

The Rise and Rise of Article PR: What are the Implications?
By Glenn Murray | SEO Copywriter (http://www.divinewrite.com)
& Article PR Specialist (http://www.articlepr.com) (c) 2006

Already a very popular method of achieving a high search engine
ranking, article PR (aka article submission) has now entered the
mainstream. As such, its popularity is increasing at a dramatic
rate. While this is great for SEO copywriters like myself, there
are some side-effects that need to be addressed if article PR is
going to remain a viable search engine ranking technique. This
article discusses some of those side-effects, along with how
they might be addressed.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its interesting the article mentions the increase in articles submitted started around 2005. This is about the same time article submission software like Article Submitter Pro (http://articlesubmitterpro.com) came on the scene.

Also I appreciate the comments about the need for good quality articles. I firmly believe the beginning of the "bad article" arrival came when the article spinning software became available.

People seem to have the wrong impression of what a "unique" article is supposed to be. And so they use the article spinners to try to create different variations and claim they're unique.

To set the record straight, a truly unique article is one that gives information found no where else, not one that says the same thing only worded differently.